Loan Cover Letter

Bank’s Letter head with Logo



Bank Name


Phone Number


Date 08.01.2020




To Whomsoever It May Concern


This is to certify that Mr .........................has been sanctioned an education loan having A/c no...............................for Rs. ............................/- (Rupees ............................................only) for Pursuing .............................................. at University of .................................................

He has fulfilled all the terms and condition of the Education Loan. The loan is sanctioned and the fees will be dispersed to the university while living expenses will be dispersed to the applicant after he/she obtains the UK visa. The same will be available before he travels to the UK.

This bank is regulated by Reserve Bank of India. 

This certificate is issued on specific request of the customer without any risk or responsibility on part of the bank or the official signing it.



(Bank Seal)

Download Sample Bank Loan Cover Letter

Please Note that the University name, logo & other text is for your information only. Please refer to University website for accurate detail information. Use of the University name and the logo is for identification purpose only & does not implies that there is a relationship between University/ Institute and us.